OK...for my first design post, I have chosen a very simplething. This was a one day design job that Denise [my partner] and I did. To me the most impact comes from the mantel. Since a fireplace is usually square, it is nice to hang something round above it for softness. The easiest thing was cutting some Magnolia Branches from her yard to flank the mirror. They are the best because they will last about 2 weeks. OK.....now listen up! Tip of the day.....You do not have to use fake greenery! Remember the fake ivy days? Everybody had it above their kitchen cabinets! Take it down now! It will look much cleaner without it. You don't have to fill up every empty space. The eye always needs a place to rest. When I am entertaining, I go out to my yard and cut things that I have....so easy and cheap!