
Desk before painting
These can be a great resource if you are not afraid of a little work. The prices are rock bottom. They usually have a lot of desks, love seats, end tables and armoires [which, let's face it, are pretty much dead in the water with flat screens being so affordable]! For this project, [the same one that we jazzed up the coffee table for] we need something better for the back of a love seat. In the before picture, the desk was way too bulky, and it was the first thing you saw when walking through the front door. On the hunt for something with a little more style and grace....but cheap...we ran across this desk for about 80.00. It was in pretty good shape but the top was a little scratched. So....of course we got out the cream paint and went to work. Painting only the top was so quick and easy. After we added a pretty lamp and some accessories....well you can see for your self!