OK...now is the time to shield your eyes if you are an art critic. For real. Before we get to the pictures I would like everyone to read this disclaimer:
I am not an artist. Nor is Angie. Neither one of us has ever taken an art class. Was this purely for fun? YES! Did we care if it was perfect? NO! Did we just want some cheap art.....that is pretty much it.
Good...glad to get that out of the way before somebody sends me some hate mail about how she/he went to art school for four years, studied in Paris with Matisse...struggled to pay bills but stayed true to their soul and kept painting until somebody put their work in a gallery and......now is a famous artist. I am not trying to downplay what you did.
Think of us as grown up kindergardeners just having fun.
The first one. Remember the color scheme? Let's refresh.
and this
and the rug
With white walls and mostly solid cream furniture.
yep....our attempt at abstract.
It is going in the DR on this large wall. Believe it or not...we did have an inspiration piece but we strayed from it pretty much.
OK for the second one we discovered WATER.......uh huh......it was a game changer. I think we improved vastly [re-read disclaimer again please]. I use the word improve in the smallest way possible. Think the head of a pin.
Our inspiration:
pretty huh?
we layered...yep that is where the water came in....let it dry. Whoa...that's how those professionals do it.
Ta Da.......I think we got better......
So there you have it. We even signed them....shange. The first 3 letters of each of our names. Hee Haw...don't expect to see a coffee table book one day with our work in it :)
I am saying this...it was FUN. We were both scared to make the first brush stroke but our thought was if we hate it then we paint it white and start over. Simple.
A lot has happened over there. Curtains are being hung. Pillows are being made. And then we start the accessorizing. Pictures soon.
Scott's this weekend!