Yep...just a little. Remember about a week ago or so I hurt my back? Well dang if it isn't still killing me. Apparently it has moved down to this little nerve called Sciatica and that suckers a bitch. Shooting pain down the leg and nothing seems to help. Here is the real hurts the most when I am sitting. Do you know how many things involve sitting??????
A lot. Reading blogs...writing post.....commenting on blogs.....sending sweet emails to people who have commented on your blog. AND...then just a few things like driving...and that is when it hurts the MOST. I have been doing all the stretches I read about on the internet [I am a doctor now] and my husband keeps volunteering to massage it but you and I know where that leads :). "No is not that bad".
Anyway...if I have not responded to your sweet comments.... just hang in there with me please!
Fortunately for you it does not hurt that bad to walk. So I managed to get to Scott's for a few hours on Thursday morning.
Of course I am starting will pillows.....
LOVE this pattern....
Think I will do all the blues first since that is MY favorite color.
Kind of wish I had gotten is hard to think when you are in pain.
Hmmmm...these look good together.
Specialness..... cute?!
I had the "blues" after I saw so many I wanted and could not make a decision.....:)
OK...if you are tired of blue then you are in comes another colorway!
Green and blue!
Green and pink!
So fresh...
I am liking pink and blue....
What room can I start over in.....who am I kidding...what room can I please finish.....
Can you see why I can't decide????
The pink is killing me.....
But then is special too.
And yellow is giving orange and pink a strong run this summer....
Sissy....they were here again this time. Price went up $20.00!
This really caught my eye until I moved in a little closer to see the price! was about $3800.00. The booth owner said that she could really do better on the price. She would have to take a whole set of zeros off to help me! She came down to a low price of $2900.00. I did not want to laugh in her face....then she told me it was signed by somebody famous [that I learned about in high school art class I'm sure]...but it could have been signed by God himself, it would not have mattered. Pretty though huh?
Oh yea...a set of this would be nice.
So the color.
Yes sir......these little puppies were real nice.
As were these. I really was not even asking prices cause I got the rug remember??????
$10.00...can you believe it??? Not really but if it was I might have gotten this. Just trying to add some excitement to this post.
Love this little retro lamp.
2 please...on either side of a bed. Miami...circa: 70's for sure.
OK...these were sold as you can see but this would have been a hard one to say no to IF the price was right.
Coffee table...I was actually loving this because I am in the market for a new one. But I made a deal with myself that I needed to sell the one I had first:) I hate when I make deals like that.
This was pretty special. There were two. What is it about lamps, chairs and pillows????? Dang I could become a hoarder so fast.
One more thing...
Aren't these cool barstools????
Ok...I am trying to wrap this up as the pain is soaring down my leg.....
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend....said with sarcasm and a snarl.
I can see how people become addicted to pain pills. I am trying to survive this on Ibuprofen and a little glass of wine.
I am just trying to survive.