This might be a little like the Oscars where you scroll through their acceptance speech :) to get to the next beautiful dress. After a full week [about 40 hours] of installation it is done. First can I say thank you to
Erica and
Dayka of
Room Service. I was honored to be asked as a participating designer/blogger. They did not know me from "squat" yet they trusted that I would do the work without any complaining and drama. Can somebody tell me how to "unglue" my lips?
You should go to the
Room Service web site and click on the other designers to see their rooms. Seriously people.....everyone did a fabulous job.
Honestly I had the best time except maybe going up and down the stairs [a thousand times at least].
Should we start at the beginning....
My first visit....3 bunk-beads and a full.
View in the opposite direction.
Not too many of the rooms had a you can see it is in BAD condition!
I started shopping and these pillows with the big leaves on them were my inspiration...that and the fact that I saw the green lamp at the same time on clearance in Homegoods.
Monday...paint day. As you can see my room is now occupied. Everything had been put on the beds...nothing in the closets or drawers. All the clothes were in large plastic bags. Can you say "hot mess" ......
End of day one and I rearranged the room to help give them more space. I also painted the closet floors black.
Big whoop...I was pretty smug thinking I was doing good on time...HA HA.
Day 2 I painted this and the plumber came to install the new sink vanity.
Day 3 I had a couple of volunteers and we went through all the bags....Now I did not give that much thought. All I knew is that the visual clutter was almost preventing me from moving forward. I had to organize.....everything folded and put in drawers according to size...the best we could. Everything hung up in the closet space. I also put sheets on the bunk-beads and pillows. Let me say that when they move in they get ONE flat sheet issued. No pillows and there were NONE on any of the beds. Come to find out that after a couple of other people did the same thing the residents got upset. Remember this is all they have......and I guess it was not very respectful to go through their things......whoa...I got lucky on that one.
I also decided to paint black stripes....yea but only got a chance to paint was that kind of day. My sweat was sweating....I was starting to think maybe I would not finish.....
Day 4...Mom got her new sheets and pillows. Managed to get the stripe painted. Mom also labeled all of the black containers that I got her and filled up! Goodie!
Got rid of the other armoire because it was so deep and got this one from Home Depot. Note to self.....that sucker was HARD to put together....not that I actually had a hand on it ..... but it looked hard when Patty and Antonio were working on it :)
So thankful for Jan, Patti and Antonio! Jan and Patti had to go on a business trip on Wednesday but changed their flights to get back to Nicholas House by 11:00 on Friday morning.
This is how I left it on Thursday afternoon. And just to let you know that I found it just like this on Friday morning. Mom made her bed, folded the comforters at the foot of the bunk-beads and left me the sweetest note....
OK...we all cried like babies after reading this note. Full steam ahead.....
People...I would have NEVER finished if Angie had not come over for 2 hours during lunch.....Jan and Patty arrived at room would have been pitiful. Honestly I was on a float in the middle of the ocean and there were sharks all around......then the coast guard showed up!!!! My friends went above and beyond......I did not ask they just came.
Here are the after shots...
The bath.....picture at yard sale for $ vanity, new mirror, shelf and 5 cups for the kids toothbrushes. Valance from target and I just ironed some ribbon on it.
Painted dresser.....all the art was from Goodwill the frames and painted them black.
I got that quilt from a thrift store for $ was perfect. I had gotten the tray at GW, painted yellow and put some black and white wallpaper in it. Besides the quilt, all the bedding came from Homegoods.
Every afternoon on my way home I had a list of things to find....I just happened on the embroidered pillow at Homegoods on like Wednesday!
I got the rug at Ikea....and I found the orange pouf on Thursday afternoon....Let me tell you I was dancing out of that Marshalls!
There are 5 kids living in this room so I wanted to get them some cute things to sit on. Found that little chair at Ross. It replaced the little red one [in the 5th picture on top of the bed]. There is no cable but they use the TV [new thanks to Jan] to watch videos.
The kids bedding also came from Ikea. I bought 6 teddy bears at GW and changed out all the bows with the same ribbon. The were $1.19 each!
Here is the one lonely stripe :(. I got the desk and chair at a yard sale. Lamp and clock at Target.
I also put in some shelves on the other side of that stinking armoire [I am still mad at that thing for being so difficult] I wanted to throw it away on Thursday and go buy another one but everybody looked at me and cussed. OK....then.
That was their just happened to be my colors.....I was so glad that I was able to fit in a desk.
Rug and pillow...Ikea.
Accessories on desk....duh. The last 15 minutes were madness.

Jan and
Lakeitha. She needed some loving because she jumped in at the last minute to do a room. Somebody donated those burlap curtains so I used them to cover the closet. I also bought a few black panels and cut them in half to make bedskirts. I just stapled them inside the slats which helped hide the storage bins I had for under the beds.
Thanks to all of my friends who donated. My sister Nancy was one of my largest contributors. She owns a restaurant in Sandy Springs called
Nancy G's which is a great little neighborhood bistro. She has "doggie dining" on her patio! Her food is great...of course it is my fav restaurant :)
My friend Jan....she rocked in every way. Nobody is a bigger supporter in my endeavors. Always. No questions asked.
My builder Phil who installed the vanity.
Michael Ladisic of
Ladisic Fine HomesCharles Crawford president of
Private Bank of BuckheadMaria, Angie, Dee Ann, Kristen, Maggie and so many others who donated when I pleaded for cash.....
Hope I did not forget anyone....I don't want to have to read about that in the tabloids! I am not going to tell you how much I spent....but I will say I got a little carried away.....OK...more than a little.
Can't wait to do it again.