It was SO much fun reading the post about the agony of making decisions around your own house. I can see that I am not alone with this affliction......Support group?
You probably think I have A LOT of free time to do all this, but I really don't. My partner is gone for a month, and we finished up most of our projects [or hopefully got them in a "happy place"] so I seem to have a little too much time on my hands. we are about the guest room. It is finished and decisions have been made. My sister came up with a brilliant plan. I hope everyone has a sister.
Here we are in all our glory at Christmas, 1964! That is me on the left. I think the white socks add a nice touch to the outfit!
Anyway.....we were studying the photos of the room and had an AH HA moment. Let's put the burlap headboard in the other guest room [which is white and will show up better] and figure out something else for the dark gray room. OK...but what? And it needs to be free. I go up in the attic and find an old door from when we renovated the house. We drag it down [it's a heavy solid wood door]. OK...we will cut it down and paint it. That just seemed to predictable. But....keeping an open mind. Off to Home Depot to get hooks. On the way we passed a fence that had these large bolts in it...kind of industrial. That's it. We will use the bolts to put it in and add a little interest. THEN....we decided not to even cut it down or paint it. Leave it long and kind of "shabbyish". I was getting a headache trying to figure out how to get these large bolts secured in plaster [my house was built in 1946]. If anyone out there has ever dealt with plaster it can be a "bitch". I was trying to drill into it once and ended up with a hole the size of lake Michigan. So, we are standing there just irritating the dude in the orange apron and my sister slapped me. I looked at her and was ready to slap back when she said "we will just put the bolts in the door and HANG it with mirror hooks. Like a "fakeout" or a "faux bolt". Whew...I was all over that idea. People who know me well, know that I HATE to nail, screw, or bolt anything. It makes me anxious!

Here are the pictures of the door from the attic, before.
The color was pretty good...not white but not yellow.
A closeup of the bolt.
After we hung it. Left the black handle on also.
2 more small changes. I changed out the lamps, and I did purchase the gray quilt from Target. I have had those lamps for 10 years it seems. They were in my attic...really!
Here it is...all done. I am putting yellow caution tape across the door. Maggie [my sister] said she will kill me if I change another thing!
Kept the original rug. Took the other one back to IKEA....ever been to IKEA on a Sat? Don't do it...I think they bus them in. That was painful.
A little accessory shot....
That is the end of the gray guest room. Now on to my other guest room. That is a story for another post!