Hellooooooo Friday!
You might ask why I am so glad it's the weekend? Because I am going to NY NOW [the market]! 9 miles of stuff to buy. I know for a fact that I am the perfect person for a situation like that:)
Today I bring you fabric goodness. What could be better since it is fall and of course we have to change out at least a few pillows right?
Steve just moved his store right down the street....
Lot's of good stuff including a line of fabrics he designed.
Very "palm beach".....
Next time you are are out and about stop in and say HI!
If my Instagram feed is any indication.... I am feeling the color green lately...
So much color.....
And of course my "jam"....neutrals.
I know some of you are yawning right now....:)
Well how about I throw some blue up in here?
Mellow yellow....
Work this weekend to the bone.....