Cutting right to the chase small talk.
Got one of those panicked text's this morning about that FP mantel and surround going in over at my clients house....."Yikes....I don't know.....not sure......please come see...before we proceed"
Now as a designer, you kind of get just a little sick when you get one of those. Maybe a little "baby vomit" in your mouth, because you told them it would be jumped up and down and sold it to them like Adam was selling that apple to EVE.
Oh my gosh....cancel all appointments.....clear schedule Go now.
Breath. Simmer. It's all good. Trust your instincts. It is going to be great.....keep repeating all of this over and over again.
Proceed to planned appointment.
Look what I would have missed.
The closet. And these.
in the flesh.
Whoa mamasita.....
I got so excited over the closet and the was like I was 10 again and got a new Barbie outfit.
Could you die?????
Rows and rows of gorgeousness...I wanted to play dress up.
I am sure she would have thought they just released me for the day if I had asked her to leave the room so I could fondle.
Asking to take the pictures was probably a tiny stretch but I could not help myself.
I wanted to line them up like little soldiers. Mommy.....
OK...back to the "design crisis"
I pulled up....she met me at the door...... we rounded the corner and I sighed.
Whew, it looked great. her defense the wall color was not helping, nor the color of the brick....not to mention the orange floors....all to be changed. But I loved it. And besides, I have the vision.... said like Earnest Angley out loud doing a healing.
The mantel is up. They are making the corbels.....and yes, the brick is pink.
BAM...take that hoola hoop!
I am so proud of myself. Goal was..... 3 post this week. Did it. Clothes have been in the washing machine since yesterday....more in the dryer looking like crumbled newspaper I am sure. No food in the fridge. House looks like a tornado ripped through the place.
But hey I am talking priorities here.
Have a smoking weekend.
Sheriky Freaky