So, I thought we would do another mini give-away this weekend. You can win one of these shirts shown below. Sizes run from S - XL for these shirts. We don't have a full run of sizes left in these shirts, so depending on what size you would like will depend on which shirt you win.
Dandelion Shirt - This vintage style t-shirt has a dandelion being blown and under it and we incorporated a quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It says: "Grow up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childood to another."
So We Drove On... This distressed t-shirt has an old fashioned convertible that we drew and we incorporated the first few words from a quote from one of our most favorite books,
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It says: "As we drove on..." (The whole sentence is, "As we drove on towards death through the cooling twilight." That seemed a bit much though, for a shirt).
Vintage Crown Shirt - This shirt has a crown that has been hand screen printed in white ink on an Alternative Apparel Tonal Shirt in Vintage Black. We have this shirt available in several different color-ways which I don't have photos of right now.
Vintage Peony Shirt - This vintage style t-shirt has a vintage looking faded peony and we incorporated a quote from another one of our favorite authors, Lucy Maud Montgomery. It says: "I love to smell flowers in the get a hold of their soul then.
Even if you don't find one of these to be your style, it would still make a great gift. It will come, as always, with a hang tag and wrapped in tissue and tied with ribbon! As this is just a little give-away we are just going to have it run for a few days and will pick a winner on Thursday, April 1st!
So, how can you win one of these?
It is simple:
1) Make a comment on this post - 1 Entry (please limit to just one comment per day, you can comment each day, though, if you would like)
2) Mention this giveaway with a link on your Facebook page or Tweet about it: 1 Entry (in order for it to count as an entry, please write "Facebook" or "Twitter" as its own comment in the comment section)
3) Become a follower - 3 Entries (in order for it to count as an entry, please write "follower" as its own comment in the comment section, and make sure to do it three times so it will count as three extra entries for you, or if you are already a follower, make sure to write "follower" also as a comment three times)
4) Mention this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to our giveaway, - 3 Entries (Again for this to count make sure to write "blog" four different times as comments.) In case you are wondering why in the world you have to comment each time you blog or tweet about it or become a follower, it is because we use the number of comments to plug into the random number generator and that is how we know what number to plug in and who matches up with it - hope that makes sense.
Good luck to you all and we will announce the winner on April 1st! We also will be hosting our monthly give-away then as well! Our next two monthly give-aways are going to be a pillow and a dress....we are figuring out which order works best for our schedule but will announce it on the 1st so don't forget to check back.