To make these colorful and fun paintings you'll need:
2 Boxes of crayons (48 or 64, depending on the size of the canvas).
Glue gun.
Pepel newspaper.
Canvas desired measurements.
1. To begin with this painting, first of all we need to set the crayons to the canvas using the glue gun. To do this, you must first remove the paper with crayons that are coated, cutting along with a cutter to remove them more easily.
2. Then you must organize crayons according to the colors you want for your picture. You can use the same colors by having boxes of crayons. It is true that the more colorful boxes have more nuance and richness of color have in your pictures.
3. Once you have glued the crayons to the canvas, you must support the canvas on the wall, letting the box tilts. We recommend you to put some sheets of newspaper on the floor to avoid any stain.
4. Now comes the fun. To achieve your artwork, you should start using the dryer on crayons, temperature and average power. Sure, you can always vary the distance to the canvas, the power and the angle from which you run the hot air, and you will achieve different textures .
how to make handmade colorful paintings for home decoration |
The idea of making your own decorative boxes is very attractive, right? These colorful and funny handmade paintings are very simple to make and with more variables than you think, because you can experiment and find a combination of colors and textures to decorate the walls of your home, from the bedroom to the bathroom walls . What do you think?