I am sorry it has taken me all day to do this - as usual, I am behind on everything! Anyway, I just want to say thank you to all of you who entered our latest give-away for our Adeliene Dress! We appreciate all of your wonderful comments.
I did the random number thing and was so excited to see a low number. As I started scrolling down and counting I started to laugh, because I think the winner of this dress is going to be very excited that she won!
Congratulations to Jenni Roseland! I hope that you will love your dress!
Send us an e-mail at
dearlillie@hotmail.com and let us know the color-way and size that you would like as well as your shipping address!
Also, don't forget to
check back tomorrow when we will begin our
next give-away in honor of hitting the 100 follower mark! (And stay tuned for a BIG give-away when we hit 1000 "favorites" mark on Etsy which we are getting pretty close to!)
And here are a few pics from this past week. My sister Jamie, who was visiting from NH, and I took Lillie to the Yorktown beach where she had a blast! She LOVED the water (which was FREEZING - yuck!) It was so much fun watching her play and I can't wait to take her back again!And here she is in an adorable hoodie we got from Amy at Evy's Tree .JPG)
Eyeing all of the candy at the candy store in Colonial Williamsburg
She had no desire to wait until the end before licking the bowl!