Well, I FINALLY got my computer back! This really nice boy named Tim spent the last week working in it. It looked like it was going to be toast, but he was able to get it running again....at least for now, anyway. I am having some trouble still with Photoshop, but at least my computer is turning on! Haha! So, now I have a ton of posts to do. I have so many e-mails, convos and comments to catch up on tonight, though, so this one will be brief! I knew we needed to announce the winner of our latest give-away today, though, so here is a quick post to announce our winner (and, of course, a few shots of Lillie).
So, here is what the True Random Number Generator came up with for us:

Congratulations to Shanna of the blog Miss Arkansas Bride! Yay!!!! You win both the ring-bearer pillow and the clutch! (How fitting that you actually could use the pillow as a ring-bearer pillow! I thought for sure it wouldn't be a bride that won and it would end up being used as an accent pillow).
Don't forget to check back as we will be hosting another fun
give-away later this week! And check back tomorrow for a post with photos of our newest tutu, the
Audrey Hepburn Tutu!
And of course, I can't leave you without a few photos of my little Lillabel! She loves to help husk the corn on the cob. Here she is doing it out on the daybed on our back porch. For some reason she LOVES the corn raw and can pretty much eat a whole ear that way. She doesn't like it as much once it is cooked. She also enjoys biting into each ear to find the one she likes best before chowing down. Yuck!