After pleading for help with a good recipe for turkey burgers I am now equipped with enough information to eat them every night for a month. Which I might do because even though I am creative around the house.........the kitchen is not my area of expertise.
I always say that I put one in just for resale.
I am full on with getting everything ready for my room install at the UMCH. I met the electricians yesterday to change out the overhead lights. The painters are coming on Thursday. I am vacillating on my paint color.......thinking maybe I should go darker.
Butch with Oak Street Electrical donated his time to change out the 3 lights and move the cable for me. It seems like everyone is pitching in!
Going to Ikea today for some power shopping....not really looking forward to dragging all of the boxes off shelves but it's gotta be done. I did go yesterday to look at everything I need and write down the info. That should make it easier.
Or not. Could get distracted.
And now the reason for this more picture of what has been happening around here. The only new thing I bought is the black vase on the top shelf [left bookcase]. Ikea. 6.00.
Still working on a few things.......waiting for a nice sunny day to take some pictures.
Kick Tuesday in the butt......